Sunday, October 01, 2006

uploading art onto your ipod

uploading art onto your ipod
Originally uploaded by sigh clone.
Loading artwork (and photos) into my nano ipod was not all that difficult in the end... it was the lack of instructions or more specifically how to find them, that surprised me...

if you are in the microsoft world, like me, get itunes 7, then when your ipod is connected you will see the photo tab (as shown above)... all you have to do is identify the subdirectory where you have the artwork (photos)... I called mine IPOD, how original... the only other tricky bit is putting the images on a bit of a diet... i found reducing them to 640 by 480 works well... but you can go as low as 320 by 240...both easy to do with picasa... the download process reformats the image anyway and altough you can save higher resolution you will not be able to see it and you'll just use up space on your ipod

if you have an apple Mac epic empire epic has a video tutorial on uploading from a mac

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